A Thread Connection.

A Story about Adrianne Hill

And the opening of her first Bridal studio.

In the heart of Winnipeg, where knots are tied and dreams are woven, there exists a new bridal alterations studio called Adrianne Hill Bridal. But this story isn’t just about lace and satin—it’s about the intricate threads that connect us, stitch by stitch, across time and creativity and shared experiences. Sappy, but like so true.

The Baby Clothes

Way back in 2018 I was shopping at my favourite local maternity shop Bump Maternity for the perfect coming-home outfit for our first baby. I came home that day with a hand dyed beanie from Adrianna Hill Designs, what was then a line of kids and baby clothes in the softest fabrics and styles. Seen below, this image lives rent free in my mind. My first proud Mama photo💕

Sisterhoods & Neighbourhoods

My sister-in-law, a talented seamstress and designer, worked with Adrianne for a short while at a local company. They two bonded over similar design styles and levels of excellence, teehee. Fast forward a few years and the two are working together again, with that same excellence and attention to detail. Creating, altering and improving bridal gowns left right and centre! And funny enough, when we moved a few years back, we moved onto the same street as Adrianne’s sister Stephanie who is also an incredibly talented and creative human with her own interior design studio, Stephanie Bockstael Design. Honestly, Winnipeg has 1 degree of separation, unlike the rest of the world with 7.

Unwavering Support

Adrianne was one of Fibird’s first customers. Way back in May of 2019 I made my first batch of “Mama” hoops, Adrianne was one of the first to order. I honestly had no idea what I was doing, nor did I think anyone would want to buy one. But Adrianne was so lovely and gracious. We were instagram friends for a long while after that, talking about our son’s who were very similar in age and temperament. It was funny though, she never posted photos of herself on her business account so I actually had no idea what she looked like for the longest time!!

Over the last 5 years Adrianne has talked shop, family and life with me and added multiple pieces of Fibird to her home including name bar Easter baskets and Sun Flower patches that were made in collab with Jessie Theissen. Needless to say, we’ve become friends and I’m very grateful for her friendship💕

A Big Leap & A Custom Piece

Adrianne’s expertice and attention to detail has made her a lead bridal alteration expert in Winnipeg. She has expanded so much that it was time to move into her own studio! I am so proud of Adrianne bringing her dreams to life and building a business that brings bridal dreams to life. Adrianne reached out to me when she secured her lease, and commissioned a piece for her front foyer. Based on her vision brought to life by her talented sister Stephanie, I was able to create a textural and colourful piece that “ties the whole space together’’. Stephanie and Adrianne both said this to me and I just about fainted, what a compliment. Adrianne’s new space is located at 110-340 Waterfront Drive in Winnipeg right near some great local coffee shops, breweries and restaurants. It’s truly a welcoming space, cozy yet polished. I really can’t wait for you to see it!

A Seamless Bond

Adrianne Hill Bridal isn’t just a place—it’s a manifestation where hard work and dreams collided. So, if you step into Adrianne’s studio, look closely. You’ll find her heart in every corner—and our fiber connection on the foyer wall . And perhaps, you’ll feel the invisible threads that connect us all. ✨

With so much gratitude to you Adrianne,

- xoxo Brittney


Giving Back.


A micro-interview with Land of Hands