A micro-interview with Land of Hands


a little about

Syd ‘Land Of Hands’

Fun fact, Syd was one of my first students when I moved to Winnipeg. Somehow she survived my rambling in Family Studies class. It’s honestly so cool to be able to collaborate with her now!

How long did it take you to come up with the biz name Land of Hands?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved a pun. So when I knew I wanted to start doing nails, I started googling things that rhymed with “hands”, “nails”, “fingers”. Land of Hands just stuck. 

What inspires your art lately?

One of my favourite things that happen as a nail artist is when a client comes in with a rough draft idea. Maybe they have a colour palette or patterns they like and I get to fill in the blanks. Collaborating with people to come up with a finished product is often how I work best.

Favourite thing about Winnipeg?

The art community. There’s a lot of inspiring creators here. I find the art community to be really supportive and kind. There’s always something going on event wise!

Favourite Winnipeg resto?

Parcel Pizza hands down! I’ve been there 47 times and will keep going back. Order the Electric Squirrel (delicious cocktail) and the Bovine and Wine pizza (it tastes like if French onion soup was a pizza)!

Favourite memory from Family Studies class?

When we had the fake babies. Obviously.

‘Hand-Eye Coordination’ Design by Land of Hands for Fibird 2023.

Proudest moment as an aesthetician and artist?

Designing the September logo for CBC Arts

Goals for Land of Hands?

To take on larger artist projects. I recently did my first mural and LOVED IT - I would love to do many more!

It’s 10pm and you’re hungry, what are you eating?

Cheese Whiz on saltine crackers.

 Want amazing nails that last forever, because Syd is that good… you can check out her website or IG @landofhands for booking information!


A Thread Connection.